Blessed Trinity Mission Statement
Blessed Trinity Parish is an open and welcoming Catholic community, centered in the Eucharist and celebrating God's gift of diversity. We bring God's love to one another and support one another in responding to the challenge of living the Gospel. We strive to deepen participation and encourage all parishioners to take ownership for the everyday life of their church, especially spiritual growth, community life, the building of a just society, and service to all God's people.
Service Times & Location
Saturday Vigil Mass: 4PM
Sunday Mass: 9AM & 11AM
Monday Mass: 11AM
Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday Mass: 8:30AM
Reconciliation: By appointment only
Address: 14040 Puritas Ave.
Cleveland, Ohio 44135-2822
Office Phone: (216) 671-5890
Office Fax: (216) 938-9843
Office Hours: Monday-Wednesday 9AM - 8PM
Thursday-Friday 9AM - 5PM
(Closed for lunch 12:30PM - 1PM)
Saturday 1PM - 3:45PM
To find times for other Catholic churches
around the United States, please vist:
Blessed Trinity Lenten Fish Fry
Fridays March 7, 14, 21, 28, April 4, & 11 (5:30pm-7:30pm)
Dinners ($10-$15): Baked Salmon ($15), Salmon Baked in Dill Sauce ($15), Sole-2 Fillets ($10), 10 Fantail, Breaded & Deep-Fried Shrimp ($14), Combo-3 Pierogi, 3 Shrimp, 1 Sole, 1 Crab Cake ($15).
All dinners include Fresh-Cut French Fries and Coleslaw. Coffee, Tea, or Lemonade are provided free of charge. All orders receive a complementary dessert.
A La Carte: Baked Salmon ($12), Salmon Baked in Dill Sauce ($12), Baked Crab Cake Sandwich ($4), Fish Sandwich-Breaded & Deep-Fried Sole Fillet on a Bun ($5), Shrimp Basket (10) ($10), Sole Fillet ($3), Pierogi-3 per serving ($3), Macaroni & Cheese ($3), New England Clam Chowder ($4)
Sides: Cole Slaw ($1), Fresh-Cut French Fries ($3)
Beverages: Pop ($1), Bottled Water ($1), Hot Chocolate ($1)
Help Support Our Parish
You can help financially support Blessed Trinity at ZERO cost to you!
You can help your parish through the purchase of gift cards from our ShopWithScrip Gift Card Program. Blessed Trinity parish receives a donation of 1% to 20% of the gift card's face value and you receive the full face value of the cards. Special Orders are placed on Monday morning and cards are received on Thursday afternoon. They may be picked up at the Rectory or after weekend Masses at the Main Entrance.
When you purchase your gift cards, be sure to fill out your Monthly Gift Card Raffle ticket for a chance to win a $10 gift card of your choice!

First Quarter 2025 Calendar Raffle
Our Calendar Raffle for the first quarter of 2025 will be held throughout the month of January. Each day, a ticket will be drawn. Tickets are $10 each and will be sold throughout the month of December 2024. Your one entry gets you a chance to win as many as 31 times in the month of January! Tickets will be sold after Masses on the weekends and are also available at the rectory. Check back here in January for a list of the winners, or check the online calendar in the link below.
Winners of July's Gift Card Raffle:
01/01: Bridget Farrell | 01/02: Bob Carney | 01/03: Dorothy Sadowski | 01/04: Jean Plato | 01/05: Billy Sonby | 01/06: Dick Beercheck | 01/07: Teri Crowe | 01/08: Varyn Kellmurray | 01/09: Kelly Close | 01/10: Todd Riedel | 01/11: Bill Plautz | 01/12: Shelley Mack | 01/13: Rick Mack | 01/14: Mike Smith | 01/15: Joel Andreani | 01/16: John Kazanowski | 01/17: Mark Millar | 01/18: Jerry Masek | 01/19: Terry & Laura Fibbi | 01/20: Suzanne Bednarchik | 01/21: Laura Stein | 01/22: Andrew Kellmurray | 01/23: Hannah McMonagle | 01/24: Clare Sonby | 01/25: Nancy Koch | 01/26: Mimi Pittman | 01/27: Paul Werner | 01/28: Laura Leon | 01/29: Greg Wilson | 01/30: Maureen Keeper | 01/31: Susan Lukach
Bountiful Basement
The Bountiful Basement Food Bank is open to those families in need. The Bountiful Basement is located in the basement of the Joseph Center during the days and hours of Tuesdays 9:30 AM to 12:00 PM, and Wednesdays 5:00 PM to 6:45 PM. In July, the Bountiful Basement served 270 families; 212 Seniors; 442 Adults; 180 Children; for a total of 834 individuals who needed help to feed themselves and their families. Thank you for being there for them!
Mobile Pantry
The Mobile Pantry provides free produce to those with qualifying low incomes every first Wednesday of each month from 5:30 PM to 6:30 PM. It is located in the parking lot next to the Joseph Center. Be mindful to volunteers that will direct you through the Mobile Pantry line. To see the flyer of the full details, please click the button below.
Tai Chi Easy At The Joseph Center
As the weather cools, Tai Chi Easy's last outdoor session will be on August 24th and will move to the Joseph Center starting on Wednesday, October 5th from 7 - 8 pm. Join us for Tai Chi led by parish member Mike Reiling. Mike is a Tai Chi instructor with 9 years of experience. Tai Chi is a mind & body practice to energize, enliven, and center you. Anyone can do it! Bring a chair. Free-will offerings all go to the Edible Forest, or a small donation of $5 to $10 would be appreciated. Participants MUST be fully vaccinated!
To know more, contact Mike Reiling at
The Monthly Community Meal
Our free monthly Community Meals are held on the second Sunday of every month in Fogarty Hall, below the church, from 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM. We are also looking for volunteers to help set up tables and chairs, help cook and serve food, and/or clean up at the end of the event. If you can spend any amount of time between 8:30 AM and 2:30 PM to help out our Community Meals Team, please contact Cas Robertson (216) 534-4986 or Briyant Hines (216)-671-5890 Ext.19, email:
Monthly Coffee & Donuts
Join our parish community every third Sunday in Fogarty Hall, below the church, following the 9am and 11am Masses for coffee, donuts, and friendly conversation. The event is free, but free-will donations are accepted, as well as our "Just Haiti" Haitian coffee grounds and whole beans will be available for purchase. "Just Haiti" is a non-profit organization and all net proceeds go directly to the growers and their families.
Blessed Trinity Stephen Ministry
On February 2, we commissioned five new Stephen Ministers: Rose Jancsy, Nancy Barile, Steve Flynn, Rosemary Tanteh, and Terri Cotner. To find out more about the Stephen Ministry and what it can do for you, please click the link below.
Parish Bulletins

Our weekly bulletins are available at the entrances, before and after Mass, or you can download them from the links below.
Most Recent: Current Bulletin | Historical: Our First Mass!: June 6th, 2010
2023 Archives
January: 01/01 01/08 01/15 01/22 01/29
February: 02/05 02/12 02/19 02/26
March: 03/05 03/12 03/19 03/26
April: 04/02 04/09 04/16 04/23 04/30
July: 07/02 07/09 07/16 07/23 07/30
August: 08/06 08/13 08/20 08/27
September: 09/03 09/10 09/17 09/24
October: 10/01 10/08 10/15 10/22 10/29
Parish Services

Baptism: Blessed Trinity celebrates infant baptisms communally during weekend Masses. To begin preparing for your child's baptism, contact our rectory office a few weeks in advance. Adults who complete the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) are baptized at the Easter Vigil. Adults interested in becoming Catholic are encouraged to sign up for the RCIA process in the early Fall.
Reconciliation: Reconciliation ("confession") is available every Saturday afternoon before the vigil mass, from 3:00 pm until 3:30 pm, or at other times by appointment. To begin to prepare your child for First Reconciliation, contact our rectory office or Katie Corbett.
Eucharist: To begin to prepare your child for First Communion, contact our rectory office or Katie Corbett. To request the Eucharist be brought to your home, contact our rectory office.
Confirmation: A diocesan bishop confers Confirmation at Blessed Trinity in early Spring. To begin preparing for confirmation, contact our rectory office or Katie Corbett in the Fall. Adults who complete the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) are confirmed at the Easter Vigil. Adults interested in becoming Catholic are encouraged to sign up for the RCIA process in the early Fall.
Marriage: Weddings must be scheduled at least six months in advance. Marriage preparation includes an initial interview with a parish staff member, the PREPARE marriage preparation assessment, and either a Pre-Cana day or couple-to-couple ministry.
Anointing Of The Sick: Anointing of the Sick is celebrated after Mass with the community for those who are seriously ill or facing any surgery. Please contact Father Doug to arrange for an anointing. Also, if you or a loved one are hospitalized, please contact the rectory to arrange for Father to visit and celebrate the Sacrament. In addition, the anointing of the sick is celebrated once a year at Mass for all those 65 and older who wish to be anointed.

Stephen Ministry: Stephen Ministers are lay members of our parish trained to provide one-to-one care to those experiencing a difficult time in life, such as grief, divorce, job loss, chronic or terminal illness, or relocation.
Worship: Altar Servers, Art and Environment, Cantoring, Communion to the Homebound, Eucharistic Ministers, Greeter/Usher, Lectors, Music
Spiritual Life: Bible Study, Legion of Mary, LGBTQ Faith Share, Men's Ministry, Praying with St. Ignatius, Spiritual Reading Book Club, Women's Ministry
Sacramental Life: What is Sacramental Preparation?, Confirmation Formation, Couple-to-Couple Ministry, First Eucharist/First Reconciliation Team, Funeral Mass Servers, Pre-Baptism Session, RCIA: Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults
Youth and Adult Services: Alcoholics Anonymous, Bountiful Basement Food Bank, Catechesis of the Good Shepherd (registration) [What is CGS?], Children of The Light Registration Form Ages 7-12, Community Meal, Edible Forest & Community Garden, Haiti Mission Committee, Mobile Produce Pantry, NAMI Support Group, Offertory Counters, Parish School of Religion - Programs [What is PSR?], PSR Sacramental Preparation Form; Grades 1-8, PSR Sacramental Preparation Form; Grades 8-10, Stephen Ministry Caregiving
Parish Life: Parish Council, Finance Council
Evangelization: AWE: Affirming, Welcoming & Engaging

Diocesan Policies: Policies of Conduct and for the Protection of Children: Official policies of the Cleveland Catholic Diocese for safeguarding children.
Education Resources: Affordable Colleges Online: "Catholic College Student Resources and Scholarships Guide -- a directory of scholarships for Catholic students, advice on what to consider when thinking about attending a Catholic university, and ways for students to maintain or strengthen their practice of faith on campuses during a time of great change in their lives."
Environmental Stewardship: Eco-Justice Ministries: For "the well-being of all humankind on a thriving Earth." A Denver-based Christian organization. Rainforest Site: "Provides simple, effective, feel-good ways to address... the preservation of the world's rainforests." Operated by
Health & Pastoral Needs: Breast Cancer Site: "Founded to help fund free mammograms for women in need." Operated by Catholic Relief Services: "Carries out the commitment of the Bishops of the United States to assist the poor and vulnerable overseas... to cherish, preserve and uphold the sacredness and dignity of all human life, foster charity and justice, and embody Catholic social and moral teaching." An organization of the USCCB. Hunger Site: "Provides simple, effective, feel-good ways to address... world hunger." Operated by Liturgy of Lament for the Broken Body of Christ: A liturgy plan for the survivors of clerical sexual abuse, and their loved ones. Published by Future Church, a Cleveland-based grass-roots organization of Catholics.
Neighborhood Partners: Bellaire-Puritas Development Corporation: "Committed to maintaining and enhancing the full diversity of its residential, commercial, industrial communities, and providing the planning necessary to insure the vitality of the neighborhood."
News Agencies & Publications: American Catholic: "Home of the online editions of St. Anthony Messenger, Catholic Update and other Catholic features, is a service of St. Anthony Messenger Press and Franciscan Communications, Cincinnati." National Catholic Reporter: "Print and web news source that stands as [an] independent, journalistic outlet for Catholics and others who struggle with the complex moral and societal issues of the day." Published by The National Catholic Reporter Publishing Company. U.S. Catholic: Popular "religious general-interest magazine." Published by the Claretian Missionaries, "a Roman Catholic religious community of priests and brothers." Zenit: "Nonprofit international news agency." Operated by Innovative Media.
Social Justice: Catholic Disability Teachings: "Dedicated to providing Catholic teachings and suggestions to assist persons with disabilities to participate more fully in the Church." Operated by Dennis McNulty, who works for the Cleveland Catholic Diocese Cleveland Catholic Charities Diocesan Social Action Office: "Seeks to shape a more caring society and a more peaceful world through justice education, advocacy, community development and organizing." A charity run by our Cleveland Catholic Diocese.
Social Relationships: Always Our Children: U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops' "pastoral message to parents of homosexual children, and suggestions for pastoral ministers." Divorce and Separated Persons Newsletter: Provides resources, such as the "Earthen Vessels" newsletter, and guidance to area Catholics who are considering or going through marital divorce. Published by the Cleveland Diocesan Department of Marriage & Family Ministry Faith First: "E-media for Catholic spiritual formation." A Cincinnati-based curriculum brand operated by publishing company RCL Benziger. Gay and Lesbian Family Ministry: Ministry of the Cleveland Catholic Diocese.
World Peace: Cleveland Diocese Council on Global Solidarity: Aims "to promote the Church's teaching on global solidarity... to mobilize the people of the Diocese of Cleveland to actions that result in change for our sisters and brothers in other countries." A ministry of our Cleveland Diocese and the USCCB. Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns: "Provides information and analysis of critical issues and events such as peace-building initiatives; practical new relationships with Earth; transparency and participation in political and economic arenas; and just economic alternatives." Operated by the Maryknoll Sisters of St. Dominic, and their Catholic Foreign Mission Society of America. Network: "Educates, lobbies, and organizes for economic and social transformation... for justice and peace." A "progressive voice within the Catholic community." Pax Christi USA: "Section of Pax Christi International, the Catholic peace movement."
Edible Forest Bee Hives
Our Bee Team: Ginger Needham, Ed & Kim Mitterko, Kathy Plautz, Jim Deidrick, restocked our three hives with 30,000 new bees!
- Bee Bus
- Adding the bees
- Queen Bee Box
- Adding frames
- Adding sugar water
- Insulating the hive
- Our Bee Team
Our Parish Team
Rectory office hours: Mon - Wed 9:00 AM - 8:00 PM, Thu & Fri 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM,
(Closed for lunch 12:30 - 1:00 PM), and Sat 1:00 - 3:45 PM
Rectory office phone: (216) 671-5890 | Extensions are listed below each team member.

Doug Koesel
Phone Ext. 21

Dick Beercheck
Phone Ext. 17

Briyant Hines
Pastoral Associate
Phone Ext. 19

Julio Santana
Music Minister
Phone Ext. N/A

Linda Wilson
Business Manager
Phone Ext. 26

Krystal Rodriguez
Office Manager
Phone Ext. 10

Phil Devaty
Custodial Engineer
Leave message with main office.
Terms of Use
All content published on this website is property of Blessed Trinity, and cannot be used without express permission of the parish. We do our best to publish an informative, appropriate and safe web site. Nevertheless, this should not be your sole source of information about Blessed Trinity. If you encounter suspicious information or inappropriate content on this web site, or have any other questions, please notify our rectory at 216-671-5890.